Are you concerned about your oral health in Hammersmith?

Keeping your teeth happy


At Kings Dental Clinic we believe it is our job to keep our patients’ teeth as healthy and happy as they can possibly be. Given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we understand that for many people out there, visiting their local dental practice may not be their highest priority. However, that being said we do also wish to emphasise to our patients the importance of keeping up a good standard of oral health, as this has repercussions for their outward appearance and inner wellbeing. Anyone who feels that perhaps they have not been paying enough attention or scrutiny towards their dental routine recently and has concerns about their oral health in Hammersmith should contact our practice here at Kings Dental to make sure their teeth get the care and attention that they deserve.

What can Kings Dental Clinic do for me?

For those who are worried or concerned about their oral health in Hammersmith, the best solution would be to contact us here at Kings Dental Clinic and arrange to see our dental hygienist. It is the role of our hygienist to make sure that the teeth of each of our patients are as healthy as can be, and that there are no signs of any gum problems – such as periodontal disease – in development. Our dental hygienist can also carry out a professional cleaning service, during which specialised equipment is used to remove any excess plaque and tartar build-ups from the harder to reach areas around a patient’s mouth. Anyone who is worried about their oral health in Hammersmith should speak to our hygienist and arrange an appointment at their next convenient opportunity. This is a way of ensuring that their teeth are properly assessed and that any potentially damaging bacteria is removed before it can develop into a tooth or gum infection such as gingivitis. Another one of the benefits of visiting our hygienist here at Kings Dental is that they can provide advice and helpful tips to patients with regard to how best to maintain their oral health, which can have a massively positive overall effect on their teeth in the long term.

Invisible orthodontics

One concern which patients regularly voice to our dental practitioners here at Kings Dental Clinic is having teeth which are visibly crooked, overlapping or misaligned. This can make eating tough foods and pronouncing words and phrases difficult, as well as have a damaging impact on a patient’s social life or self-confidence. When people consider orthodontics, they are often limited in their thinking to traditional metallic braces. Braces of this nature – often referred to as ‘train tracks’ – are effective in their goal of realigning crooked teeth, but they do so in a way which often leaves a visible impact on how patients look. Nowadays however orthodontics has developed into a much wider range of treatment options, which include more discreet or ‘invisible’ options. These cosmetic alternatives are designed to leave little to no impact on how patients look from the outside and often do not need anything to be bonded to the patient’s teeth at all. Anyone who wishes to realign their teeth, but does not wish to affect how they look in the process, should contact our orthodontic experts at Kings Dental to arrange a consultation to find out more about cosmetic orthodontics.