Cosmetic orthodontics aren’t just cosmetic

The term cosmetic orthodontics implies that any benefits that come from cosmetic braces are purely appearance-related. But this is not true. As well as getting a smile to be proud of, having your teeth straightened increase your chances of making your teeth last longer.

The difference between cosmetic and normal braces is to do with how much your misalignments prevent you from doing things. If you have wonky teeth but can still eat and talk and are not in any pain, then any improvements to their positions have been deemed as cosmetic by the dental profession.

You may be able to chew just fine, but it could be that only some of your teeth are bearing the brunt of the forces created by chewing. You may also be more likely to grind your teeth at night. Over the years, this could lead to some teeth crumbling under the strain of chewing. When your teeth are well aligned, this is less likely to happen.

Also, when your teeth line up properly, they are much easier to keep clean. Plaque has fewer unreachable places to hide, and you will suffer from less decay or gum disease, if you keep up a good oral health routine.

So, although you may think that getting your teeth straightened is just so that you can feel better about your smile, you are giving yourself other important benefits too.

Here at Kings Dental Clinic in Hammersmith, we offer 3 great ways to get your teeth straightened. You can choose between fixed discreet braces or removable aligners.

Six Month Smiles

These bracket and wire braces are smaller than regular braces, and are made from clear ceramic and tooth-coloured wire. They are great for straightening the front 6-8 teeth and take around 6 months to do so.

Inman Aligner

A removable device with spring-loaded bows that go behind and in front of the teeth. Treatment takes 6-18 weeks.


Removable clear aligners that work in a series to straighten teeth. You can’t see them once they are in place. Treatment takes around a year on average.

Come on in for a consultation.