What would you say if we told you there was a way to help reverse the visible signs of ageing? If you’d like to stop the clock and enjoy a more youthful appearance with your skin, look no further than facial aesthetics Hammersmith.

Here at Kings Dental Clinic we offer patients the option of having facial aesthetics Hammersmith as well as a range of other cosmetic treatments. These include the likes of Botulinum Toxin, dermal fillers and even a thread lift.
Some of the areas that can be treated include any visible lines present on the patient’s face such as near the eyebrows, smile lines or even crow’s feet. Treatment can also be applied to lines that appear on the patient’s forehead.
How does facial aesthetics Hammersmith work exactly?
For those patients who are interested in finding out more about what is involved in the treatment and how it works, the good news is that it is a simple procedure. A fine needle is used to inject small amounts of protein directly into your skin in areas that contain visible wrinkles. The protein can be administered to areas such as your forehead or to the smile lines that present around your mouth. Typically these are the most common areas but other areas of the patient’s face can be targeted as well.
The protein that is used to inject into the skin aims to help temporarily block the nerve signals which are sent to the patient’s muscles. Following the facial aesthetics Hammersmith treatment, the patient’s muscles are forced to relax due to the lack of stimulation. This will result in the patient looking more youthful overall.
The downside is that the results are only temporary and will not last forever. Eventually the toxin present in the protein that is injected will wear off and your facial appearance will revert back to what it was once before.
The muscles in the patient’s face will return to normal and will result in additional treatment being needed. For those patients who wish to continue enjoying the effects of dermal fillers they will need to receive treatment at regular intervals. This will help to prolong the effects and to maintain a youthful look going forward.
It’s most common for the effects of dermal fillers to last between three to five months but this can vary from patient to patient.
Are there any known side effects to facial fillers?
With regards to the possible side effects of facial aesthetic treatments, patients may experience a mild stinging sensation or minimal discomfort during the administering of the product. As needles are used during the procedure, there is a small risk of bruising or slight bleeding following the treatment.
Fear not though as patients can find solace in the fact that the treatment is almost completely painless and often only results in minor discomfort.
Facial aesthetic treatments have been proven to be clinically safe to perform on patients. It is also important to note that these kinds of facial treatments such as dermal fillers are not recommended for pregnant patients or those that are still breast-feeding their children.