How to maintain your child oral health- top tips from our team

It is safe to say that if you have a child or children, you will likely have a daily issue when it comes to them brushing their teeth. Why? Because kids don’t see the importance of oral health. This means that it is your job, as their parent(s), to ensure that they have a good introduction to dental health.


Our team at Kings Dental is here to help. We know how to help them, and you look after their oral health Hammersmith, all the while making it fun, prompting more engagement from them.

So, what can you do to help your child with their dental hygiene? Here are some oral health Hammersmith tips from our team.

Establish a consistent oral hygiene routine

In order to help your child maintain their oral health Hammersmith you should encourage them to brush their teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste, which is recommended for their age. Try to show them the proper brushing techniques and supervise their brushing until they can do it effectively on their own. Incidentally, to do this, they need to brush the front and back of their teeth in circular motions, aiming the brush at an angle. If they have an electric toothbrush, this will be even better. Additionally, introduce flossing as soon as their teeth start touching each other; if this is a struggle, they can have a lot of fun with a water flosser, which is easier to use.

Promote a healthy diet

Encourage your child to consume a balanced diet every day. Limit their intake of sugary snacks, candies, and sodas, as these can contribute to tooth decay. Water should be the primary beverage choice, as it helps rinse away food particles and keeps them hydrated, as well as promoting saliva production. If they do drink fruit juice or sugary beverages, make sure they rinse their mouth out with water afterwards.

Schedule regular dental check-ups

Regular visits to see our dentist at Kings Dental are essential for monitoring your child’s oral health, detecting any potential issues early on, and receiving professional cleanings. We can also provide guidance on proper oral care techniques and answer any questions or concerns you may have. We will also make it as fun as possible, so they will associate visits to us with being positive rather than heightening any underlying fears.

Limit pacifier use and thumb sucking

Prolonged pacifier use or thumb sucking can affect the alignment of teeth and the development of the jaw. Indeed, it is the primary cause of overbites, as well as open bites. So, encourage your child to discontinue these habits as they get older, typically by age 3. If you’re having difficulty, consult with our paediatric dentist for guidance and support as, long term, it is likely to cause braces to be needed.

Be a positive role model

Children often learn by observing their parents’ behaviours. So, set a good example by practising good oral hygiene habits yourself. Brush and floss your teeth regularly, and emphasise the importance of maintaining a healthy smile. Making oral health a family affair can help children develop lifelong habits, and if you have multiple children, why not aim to make it fun? It works, honestly!