Dentists in Hammersmith

  • Kings Dental Clinic
    82 Camberwell Church Street
    Southwark, London SE5 8QZ
  • Kings Dental Clinic
    36 North End Road, Hammersmith
    Olympia, London W14 0SH

Feedback & Complaints


Kings Dental Clinic (Hammersmith/Olympia)
36 North End Road

Olympia, London W14 0SH

Tel : 020 7603 5211

Give Feedback: Click Here
Email Us : Click Here


Kings Dental Clinic (Southwark)
82 Camberwell Church Street
London SE5 8QZ

Tel : 020 7703 7599

Opening Hours

To read our Complaints Procedure - Click Here

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Please do not complete this form if you are an NHS patient or have an enquiry about NHS treatments. NHS patients must call directly to book an appointment on the above number during working hours.
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