Nervous Patients
Our principal dentist has more than 15 years of experience in treating nervous patients. We are Dental Phobic registered and offer relaxation sedation. If you are phobic or nervous about visiting, our caring, experienced team is happy to discuss options with you.
Same-day emergency appointments
We offer same-day emergency appointments either on the NHS or privately out of hours. If you have a dental emergency, call the practice and if an NHS appointment is available we will offer it to you and will get you out of pain, after which you can register as an NHS or private patient if you wish. If no NHS appointments are available we can book you a private, out-of-hours appointment. We will never leave a patient in pain.
We offer an initial e-consultation. Just upload a selfie of your smile/teeth and let us know what you want help with. We can give you a brief outline of recommended treatment and you can book an appointment to visit the practice.
Kings Patients benefit from the best patient care available. We adhere to the standards set out by our governing bodies the GDC , CQC, NHS and BDA. All registered patients can opt to receive appointment reminders by text so you'll never miss an appointment.